Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Docker Real Time Interview Questions

                       Docker Real Time Interview Questions

           Docker is one of the fastest growing software in technology world.

        Engineers with Docker knowledge may get more salary than others with similar qualifications without Docker knowledge. Here i tried to cover all the Interview questions without answers try to test you knowledge.

Q1. What is Docker?
Q2. What are the differences between Docker and Hypervisors?
Q3.What is Docker image?
Q4.What’s the benefit of “Dockerizing?”
Q5. How does Docker help manage my infrastructure? Do I containerize all my infrastructure                     or something?

Q6.Tell us how you have used Docker in your past position?
Q7. What is Docker container?
Q8 What is Docker hub?
Q9. How is Docker different from other container technologies?
Q10. What is Docker Swarm?

Q11. What is Dockerfile used for?
Q12. Can I use json instead of yaml for my compose file in Docker?
Q13. Tell us how you have used Docker in your past position?
Q14. How to create Docker container?
Q15. How to stop and restart the Docker container?

Q16. What platforms does Docker run on?
Q17 How far do Docker containers scale?
Q18. Do I lose my data when the Docker container exits?
Q19. Mention some commonly used Docker command?
Q20. How far do Docker containers scale?

Q21. Can I use json instead of yaml for my compose file in Docker?
Q22. Do I lose my data when the Docker container exits?
Q23. Is Container technology new?
Q24. How is Docker different from other container technologies?
Q25 .Difference between Docker Image and container?

Q26. How exactly containers (Docker in our case) are different from hypervisor virtualization                       (vSphere)? What are the benefits.?
Q27. How did you become involved with the Docker project?
Q28. Docker is the new craze in virtualization and cloud computing. Why are people so excited                   about  it?
Q29. How do you think Docker will change virtualization and cloud environments? Do you think                 cloud technology has a set trajectory, or is there still room for significant change?
Q30. What’s the difference between up,run, and start?

Q31. What is a Docker container and how is it different than a VM?  Does containerization replace               my virtualization infrastructure?
Q32. How many containers can run per host?

Q33. What do I have to do to begin the “Dockerization process”?
Q34. How do I run multiple copies of a Compose file on the same host?
Q35. Will cloud automation overtake containerization any sooner?

  Guys for answer of all these Questions plz go through my previous blogs. 
                      Reference- Qura.com , Tekslate.com, edureka.co ...


9. Docker container networking

                                Docker container networking          Docker takes care of the networking aspects so that the containers c...